Donate - The Bob Temosse Foundation

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Donate to The Bob Telmosse' Foundation
We are a 501(c)(3) Not For Profit - All donations are tax deductible

We have several donation options available as we plan for the 2023 giveaway

1. Clicking the donate button will launch our donation platform. You can send us a pre-determined donation amount or enter your own amount.

2. You can also set up a recurring donation if you wish. The amount you indicate will be sent to us each month until you cancel the recurring  payment.

3. Drop off your donation at one of our local businesses and supporters

Please click on the donate button to be taken to our donation platform
Sign up with Give

You can now support our Christmas Giveaway by using for your internet searches
Follow these simple steps.
2.    Activate Givemode
3.    Click on the Change Not for Profit button and search for the Bob Telmosse Foundation
4.    Click Enroll

Then every time you search, Bing will store points. At the end of each month those points are turned into a donation amount that is sent to the foundation.

You can now support our Christmas Giveaway by shopping at King Soopers and using your Rewards Card.
Follow these simple steps.
1.    Simply connect your card to our organization by signing in to your account by going to
2.    The clicking on the Community Rewards tab at the bottom of the left side menu.
      • From your smart phone scroll down and click on “Community,” then “Community Rewards”
3.    Search for The Bob Telmosse Foundation either by name or enter SS165
4.    Click Enroll
The Bob Telmosse' Foundation
Just People Helping People
The Bob Telmosse' Foundation
PO Box 449
Colorado Springs, CO 80901
(719) 646-0896
Website developed and donated by Ascent Agile Training
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