Volunter Role - Family Admission - The Bob Temosse Foundation

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Recipient Admission Station
  • This is a position for an adult who can exude authority

  • Volunteers in this area will greet our recipients and place wristbands according to requirements below:
      • A red wristband on each child.
      • ONE adult from each family will receive a green wristband that is to be redeemed for a bag of food.

  • One person will need to keep an accurate count of all persons being admitted to the event

  • Line attendants will be responsible for guiding recipients to the dental area and then returning them to their place in line after their exam.
The Bob Telmosse' Foundation
Just People Helping People
The Bob Telmosse' Foundation
PO Box 449
Colorado Springs, CO 80901
(719) 646-0896
Website developed and donated by Ascent Agile Training
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