Volunter Role - Stuffed Animals - The Bob Temosse Foundation

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Stuffed Animals
  • Volunteers in this area will assist the children in selecting a stuffed animal.
      • Most hosts will have more than one child in their care and most children will be picky about the animal they select. Locate children in need of your services and ask them what type of animal they might like to have. Then guide them to that area and show them options to choose from. Once they have chosen an animal lead them back to the host that is responsible for that child.

  • Ensure each child enjoys themselves

  • Help sort and distribute the stuffed animals to their designated places on the tables and pick them up off the floor when they fall.

The Bob Telmosse' Foundation
Just People Helping People
The Bob Telmosse' Foundation
PO Box 449
Colorado Springs, CO 80901
(719) 646-0896
Website developed and donated by Ascent Agile Training
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